
Category: Women

women and money

Women And Money Management

Women continue to struggle with the concept of “understanding their financial power,” particularly in the twenty-first century, where they are collecting more money, winning corporate management positions, and, in some cases, bringing a larger paycheck to the table than their male partner. I will never forget my experience while working as a Loan Closer during […]

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female employment

Equity & Inclusion of Women – Increasing Female Employment by the Numbers

Putting aside the mandate of equal opportunities in the workplace for a moment, recruiting more women makes good business sense. A decade of study by some of the world’s most prestigious think tanks – Carnegie Mellon, London School of Business, Columbia University – shows that recruiting women into critical positions has quantifiable benefits. However, many […]

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Women In Orange

Orange; a unique word which doesn’t just represent a colour, but one of the healthiest fruits mankind possesses. However, the same can’t be said about the women who wear orange and stand behind iron bars never knowing what the future holds. These women are labelled criminals, made to do time for a crime they may […]

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Rise and Conquer

She arose,The sleeping lioness rose up lazily, As a queen rises from her throne in garments of gold,She aroseFrom her long sleep of acceptance,Her patience in pain,All her hopes in the midst of hostility,This wonder of womanhood stood upright, Ready to take on the hereafter,All those times of being encircled with emotional baggage,All the years of coverings […]

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