Women’s Role In The World’s Economy
Have you ever thought where would the world’s economy be if there was no role of women?
We predict that a woman’s individual economic status, estimated by her property ownership, is a significant driver of her capacity to spare. Highlighted in the Equity Movement Magazine that if a woman gets sufficient knowledge about how to best manage her money and invest in vehicles such as real estate by understanding the dynamics, then she can earn more than enough not only for herself but for her family as well.
Women Acquiring Assets subscribe to the concept in the photo below…, Women Lifting Women!

Covid-19 has created huge unemployment in the USA’s highest since the great depression. For example, in these hard times if a woman knows or learns how to manage and invest her finances appropriately then she can build wealth through equity or earn residual income by investing in real estate. This is not a short term solution but once you become an expert then you can leverage the equity to even start your own business as well.
As the population continues to grow and people will need extra space to live, work and/or play, opportunities in the real estate arena continues to evolve as well. The magazine also has stories and ads reflecting this window of opportunity very well www.equitymovement247.com.
Upgrading women’s economic status including property ownership, education, and income status, alongside a decrease in the gender earnings hole will take work.
So, on the scale of 1-10 where do you see the role of women in contributing towards the future?