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Let’s be honest with ourselves. Those adorable children are our lives. We birth them, nourish them, teach them, care for them, protect them, hope for them, work for them, and still do. There’s nothing like motherhood – NOTHING!

Our eyes light up when we see our children excelling and moving forward. And we’ve already vowed to be there for them as long as we live. And as best we can, we’ll honor that vow. 

But after a time, the supermom in you gets weary and desires to be just so regular and do things that bring you back to focus, makes you feel like an individual woman with needs and desires, too.

Are you wondering what that desire is? Don’t wonder. It’s natural. It’s the woman who you always have been crying for precious “me time.” Once you became a mother, you took on a role that you hadn’t before; which is great! But the person you are still begs expression, and that’s nothing to feel guilty about. In fact it’s a necessary part of your life. There has to be balance between the two people ‘mom’ and ‘me.’

girl on sales

So, for your good and for the good of your children, take that ‘me time’ as often as you can during the day and especially at night when the kids are all tucked in and dad is snoring away.  Here are some easy and simple suggestions for ‘me time’ during the day.

  • When you drop the kids off at school or the daycare, don’t hurry home to put that load of clothes in the washer. Take about 45 minutes and stop at a restaurant of your choosing and have a breakfast sandwich and a cup of coffee or other refreshing drink. The clothes will still be there when you get home.
  • Stop for about 10 minutes and sit and read a book or flip through a magazine.
  • Turn on the music you like and try to see if you still have dance moves anymore. That will make you feel real good!
  • Get on the phone and talk with your girlfriend or sister for about 20 minutes.
  • Get online and purchase something you want.

Never feel guilty about taking time for yourself. It’s good for you, for your children and for your peace of mind.


C. Renee